Electronic Resouces

Research4life Databae

           HINARI (Health)

           GOALI (Law)

           OARE (Enviroment)

           ARDI (Innovation and Technology)

           Agora (Food, Agric,Env. stress and related social sciences)


Free and Open Access Databases

  1. Highwire Press (highwirepress.com)
  2. Popline (https://knowledgesuccess.org/popline-retirement/)
  3. Academic Journals ( https://academicjournals.org/journals.htm)
  4. Clinical Nursing Studies (https://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/cns)
  5. Internation journal of advance nursing studies ( https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJANS)
  6. online Journal of issues in nursing (https://ojin.nursingworld.org/)
  7. Directory of Open Access Journals (https://doaj.org/)
  8. The Stanford Medicine 25 https://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.edu/the25.html
  9. Dictionary http://oed.com
  10. AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE  https://www.ajol.info/
  11. BRITISH MEDICAL CENTRAL - https://www.bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com
  12. GOOGLE SCHOLAR http://scholar.google.com
  13. ONLINE ACCESS TO RESEARCH ON ENVIRONMENT (OARE) – https://portal.research4life.org/content/oare
  14. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS - OXFORD JOURNALS - http://www.oup.co.uk
  15. RESEARCH4LIFE- https://www.research4life.org
  16. SAGE RESEARCH METHODS ONLINE - http://methods.sagepub.com/
  17. TRIP: https://www.tripdatabase.com/
  18. PROQUEST E-BOOKS- https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
  19. CREDO ONLINE REFERENCES - https://search.credoreference.com/
  20. BIOMED - https://www.biomedcentral.com/



  1. Information Literacy Skills Programme
  2. Electronic Support Services
  3. Reference and Reader Services
  4. Literature Searches
  5. Library Instructions and Training
  6. Reprographic (Photocopy and printing) services


  1. Grants.gov :Grants. grants.gov is an excellent resource for finding fellowships, grants, and other financial opportunities in a variety of fields.
  2. Foundation Center (https://candid.org): More than 550 institutions eager to provide money to creative, technical, medical, scientific, and a variety of other causes are represented in this database.


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